Here’s a great link to a vocabulary builder at Quizlet: Kaplan GRE Flash Cards.
Rather than scrolling through the flashcards, just scroll downward on the page to the area where the flash card content is shown in aggregate, and you’ll find a list of 500 words and their definitions. What a great, quick way to refresh your vocabulary!
And here’s a link that tells you more about Quizlet, a powerful learning resource.
Just remember this: as a writer, your job is NOT to impress people with your awesome vocabulary. Your job is to be able to convey complex concepts in an easily understandable format. Your vocabulary skills simply help you quickly grasp this information; your skill as a writer converts this knowledge into a usable format for the benefit of your readers.
As one of my professors used to say: “Your Job is to Obviate Obfuscation and Eschew Sesquipedalianism!” [Look it up; it’s a JOKE : ) ]. Or, as Ralph Waldo Emerson so elegantly put it: “Simplify, simplify.”